We are currently building our apparatus and equipment pages. These pages will be divided into two categories
We welcome members of he community to send us photos and information about past apparatus to include in these pages.
General and Historical Information:
Unit Numbers: Unit numbers represent the radio identifier for the unit. You will note that our unit numbers are formatted as 5-22-##. This represents a standardization across Suffolk County NY.
- The "5" represents the Town of Brookhaven Town. Each Department in Brookhaven Town starts with the number "5".
- Those departments along the north shore of Brookhaven Town start with "5A".
- The "22" represents the Ridge Fire Department. Each Department in the Town has its own designation.
- The last number represents the the radio identifier within the departments. There is some standardization but each department may have its own variation of this. The following is the common radio assignments across Suffolk County.
0 |
Zero is always left as the base station or headquarters radio identifier |
1 - 29 |
Fire and rescue apparatus
11 - 12 Typically brush trucks
14 - 18 Typically Ambulances
All others vary by department
30 - 33 |
Chief Officers |
40 - 49 |
Fire Inspectors or Safety Officers |
50's |
Company and Squad Captains |
60's |
First Lieutenants |
70's |
Second Lieutenants |
80's |
First Responders or First Responder Units |
90's |
Fire District Commissioners and Fire District Vehicles |
Others may be assigned as needed. For example, a member may use a badge number when operating independent of a unit |
Truck Colors: As we post photos, you will note some variations in truck colors and painting schemes. The Ridge Fire Department used all red trucks, typically MACK Truck Red with a few exceptions up until around the early 1970's when the tops of the trucks were changed to white. Beginning around 1976, the department switched over to green or lime green with white roofs as did many fire departments across the nation including our neighbors in Middle Island and Brookhaven National Laboratory. This green and white configuration continued until the late 1990's and early 2000's when a gradual change was made back to red and white. Today, all Ridge Fire Department vehicles are Red and white with the exception of a few Chief cars, district vehicles and first responders which are all white.

Unit #: Engine 1 |
Make: Ferrara
Year: 2007
Station: Central Station
Features: Hydraulic/Electric Extrication Tools, 750 Gallons of Water, Mobile CAD System

Unit #: Engine 2
Make: Ferrara
Year: 2000
Station: Station 2
Features: Hydraulic and Electric Extrication Tools, Mobile CAD System

Unit #: Battalion 1
Make: Ford Expedition
Year: 2008
Station: Central Station
Features: Mobile CAD System

Unit #: Ladder 2
Make: Ferrara Inferno
Year: 2002
Station: Central Station
Features: 100' Aerial Platform, Mobile CAD System

Unit #: Brush 1 |
Make: Ford F-550
Year: 2002
Station: Central Station
Features: 350 Gallons of water, Foam Proportioner, Breathing air supply, Mobile CAD System

Unit #: Brush 2 |
Make: Ford F-550
Year: 2008
Station: Station 2
Features: Fixed Scene Lights, Mobile CAD System

Unit #: Reserve 2 |
Make: Freightliner
Year: 1995
Station: Station 2
Features: Mobile CAD System Suburban. |
Admin Apparatus

Unit #: Fire Chief |
Make: Ford Explorer
Year: 2008
Station: Central Station
Features: Mobile CAD System Suburban. |

Unit #: Asst. Fire Chief |
Make: Ford Expedition
Year: 2003
Station: Central Station
Features: Investigation Equipment, Mobile CAD System Suburban. |

Unit #: Fire Prevention |
Make: Ford Expedition
Year: 2008
Station: Central Station
Features: Investigation & Inspection Equipment, Mobile CAD System SSuburban. |

Unit #: Training Officer |
Make: Chevrolet Silverado
Year: 2002
Station: Central Station
Features: Mobile CAD SystemSuburban. |
Specialized Apparatus

Unit #: Support 1 |
Make: Ford F-350
Year: 1997
Station: Central Station
Features: Cascade Systemuburban. |

Unit #: Rescue Trailer |
Make: Cargo Mate
Year: 1999
Station: Central Station
Features: Rope Rescue & Swiftwater Equipment Suburban. |

Unit #: Hazmat Trailer |
Make: Wells Cargo
Year: 2004
Station: Central Station
Features: Over pack containers Suburban. |

Unit #: Fire Safety Trailer |
Make: Pace
Year: 2004
Station: Central Station
Features: Multi-Command Center, Fire Safety Education Simulator Suburban. |